It’s no secret that as a salesperson you want to win.
You want to sell, to be on top, to surpass your target, and to join that award trip. You want to be rewarded for the hard work and sales that you bring in.
But that can be hard to do if your company isn’t telling you what you need to do to win. Companies often spend significant time and energy designing those metrics and fall short when it comes to communicating them to you. This puts you in a tough position between your intentions and the outcomes of the plan.
Communicating your compensation and recognition programs should be more than just an afterthought by senior leaders. These communications are vital tools that help you focus on what you need to do to be at the top. They provide direction and help you prioritize your efforts for success. It doesn’t matter how good your company’s bonus program is, if you don’t know about it or understand it you can’t be expected to leverage it.

Want to take home more incentive pay and win more awards? Make sure your company is focused on communicating all of the aspects of your incentive plan and reward programs – in a way that is understandable, easy to access, and highly relevant to your job.
You work hard selling to your customers. You shouldn’t have to work hard to understand your compensation plan and award programs.
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