Let us know what you think will be your biggest motivator in 2010?
For me I think it will be the Drive to Achieve. We’ve been working at this motivation thing at The Lantern Group for a number of years but I have a sense that this needs to be the big break out year. I am motivated to see the ideas, the concepts, the results raised up to that next level.
What about you – what’s your motivation for 2010?
What will motivate me will be being part of the transition of social media from it’s “experimental” phase (people just barely putting their toes in the water) to a full blown functional phase where metrics will become increasingly important. Keeping up with the pace will motivate me to stay on top of what’s going on and ahead of the curve
Drew, The transition from experimental to functional will be a great significant change in how we all operate. Keeping ahead of the curve is a great motivator – both on a personal level and at an organizational level. Thanks for sharing!
It’s the struggle against DO and DO NOTHING. Motivation. Some days you have it and some you don’t. Mine will be to produce as my new venture doesn’t “ship” but rather provides a service. Finding new ways to connect with those who need it will be my challenge.
So I’ll blog, I’ll connect, I’ll keep putting myself and my compnay out there.