Creating New Dialogue | Say the Dialogue Out Loud | Lantern Group

Creating dialogue

One of the benefits of blogging is getting into a conversation with readers via the comment area. However, most blogs (at least mine) gain very little traction and don’t spur much discussion. That’s a shame.

Real learning and insight come from the interaction between people. It is in these moments that brilliance is usually found. That insight and learning goes both ways – author to reader AND reader to author.

Communication, at its best, is a two-way street. It involves people. It engages them. It moves from a lecture to a conversation.

So tell me…what can I do to increase the likelihood of you leaving a comment here? Please respond by leaving a comment…


Top 5 survival tips for small businesses – guest blog by Paul Schoening (1 of 3)


Top 5 survival tips for small businesses – guest blog by Paul Schoening (2 of 3)

1 Comment

  1. Hmmmm….no one is leaving any comments. I might need to think about this a little more. Come on people, help me out here!

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