What Do Manager’s Need - Delegation | Lantern Group

What Do Manager’s Need?


The Drive to Define and Defend: A Smile can Crack the Armor


Olympic Withdrawal Impacts Motivation Worldwide


  1. The options are great – interesting that the awards score low – not good news for the big boys.

    But really THE most important thing is a commitment from TOP management that this is a mission critical issue for the future – ties to productivity, innovation, quality, etc.

    Most companies spend more on janitorial service than engaging employees (I didn’t use motivation on purpose!)

    • stonesk

      Thank you for participating in the poll Paul and for your comment, it is greatly appreciated!


  2. Jeff Savilla

    My perspective has always been share just the basics and give a path to deeper learning for those that seek it.

    Simply put give them a simple tool to say great and a means to identify what works and then offer links for more.

    In retail today there are even more then ever limited hours and contacts with all associates that work at a location. This makes it essential to get the 2 or at most 3 key targeted points across as concisely as possible then build a program that reinforces that on a personal level.

    Just my 2 cents based on 50 or so campaigns for 3oK associates over a couple years. Then again I could be wrong..it happens often and I love that this keeps me learning!

    • stonesk

      Good Morning Jeff,

      Thank you for participating in the poll. It is a fine balance between sharing the basics and providing depth that includes key insights for managers. It is the beauty and curse of learning since each person learns a different way and at a different pace. But it does make it more interesting because without it there would be little growth.

      I love your passion for learning, thank you for sharing your insights and keep on learning!


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