Today I’m Grateful For: A Hug and Kiss From My 4 Year Old

Today I’m Grateful For: a hug and kiss from my 4 year old

I’m trying an experiment – for the next week I will post a What I’m Grateful For statement every day.  Building off of my earlier post and one of the comments, this seems like a way to build on this idea.

This morning, my 4 year old son ran up to me as I was heading into the office and said, “Papa, I want to give you a hug…and a kiss.”  One cannot start out the day any better in my opinion…

What are you grateful for today? Click on “Leave a comment” below and let us know.


Start each day with Gratitude


Today I’m Grateful For: Being born in America

1 Comment

  1. My 3 year old and I had fun earlier
    dancing and walking fashionably to the beat.
    It was really special seeing those smiles
    and sparkling eyes!

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